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         Every day, countless inmates at Guantanamo bay are tortured in an  unjust manner. The torture methods, even for torture, are cruel and  inhumane. This includes:


 Water boarding - Placing a cloth on the detainee's face and pour water  on the  cloth to obstruct their breathing.

 Rectal Feeding - Inserting a tube into the detainee's anus and feeding    them  pureed food.

 Musical Torture - The detainee is forced to wear headphones blaring  music  at loud volumes for days on end.

 Confinement Box - The detainee is confined to a small box alone,  sometimes their breathing is restricted, wounds were re opened and  were in the box for hours and my have put insects inside of the box.

 Stress Positions - The detainee is chained into an akward position  from  days to months forcing the detainee to deficate and urinate on  themselves.

 Forced Nudity - The CIA used forced nudity to humiliate and break the  detainees by stripping them naked until they complied with orders.

 Restricted Diet - They would feed the detainee a liquid meal and cut  off the calorie count to 1500 calories per days


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